A. Le Coq once again participates as a supporter in Raadio Kuku’s initiative “Selge grupijuht”
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On June 3rd, Raadio Kuku will once again launch its traditional campaign “Selge grupijuht”. For the 28th year, the radio station is urging those celebrating midsummer to stay sober-minded, aiming to prevent drunk driving and reduce traffic hazards through the campaign. A. Le Coq has supported the campaign for the past eight years.
“Drunk driving is dangerous both for the driver and for other road users. Unfortunately, getting behind the wheel while intoxicated hasn’t disappeared,” noted the station’s editor-in-chief, Madis Kimmel. “However, fortunately, nearly 6,000 people participate in Kuku’s campaign each year, pledging not to drive drunk and setting an example for all drivers.”
Sober drivers are invited to participate, ensuring that no friends or acquaintances attempt to drive while consuming alcohol on Midsummer Eve and Midsummer Day. The campaign can be joined online, as well as at the customer service desks of Hiiu Leht, Saarte Hääl, and Postimees Group newspaper offices across Estonia. More detailed information is available HERE. Those registering on-site will receive a badge, a car sticker, and a choice of a non-alcoholic beverage.
Additionally, A. Le Coq’s Facebook group “Sober Group Leader – 0 Degrees on Midsummer” will be active again, where various non-alcoholic midsummer drinks will be introduced, and exciting additional prizes will be raffled off.