Return of packaging
Our web-based packaging return system is ready. This means that formalising the documents on packaging returns will now be significantly easier, faster, and more convenient for contractual clients.
The web-based form excludes the possibility of mistakes and misunderstandings that might arise from spelling, wording, or calculations. Should the development prove to be popular among our clients, it would soon give us a chance to plan the amount of returned containers when planning distribution routes, thereby ensuring that there is always room for all the containers.
First, make yourselves familiar with the packaging return manual, which will help you in future use.
Packaging return manual (PDF)
Packaging storage manual (PDF)
Click here to enter.
Starting from 1 March 2025, new packaging handling fees will apply to A. Le Coq’s clients: 5.7 cents per bottle for machine retrieval and 1.42 cents per bottle for retrieval by hand.